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 The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it

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The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it Empty
PostSubject: The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it   The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it EmptyMon Jan 28, 2008 3:31 pm


I had this one lady the other day just gave me hell because I didnt understand how to use my phone I called to just ask a few questions and she just started of with me on the wrong foot. I just want to know how to set up my email so it would come in to my text box. Her exact words you must be one of the most stupidest customers i have ever had, I cant believe you cant to this its so simple. It made me feel like I was dumb just asking how to do this. I wish there was something I could really do about it. Oh by the way I have her customer number and i put it on the letter to the bbb and the attorney general. I am going to get something out of this i will tell you that...... I hope I can get that girl fired......

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The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it Empty
PostSubject: Sorry Chuck112   The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it EmptyMon Jan 28, 2008 11:22 pm

I really feel bad that you had to suffer through that, i can honestly tell you personally that that person is a total idiot. T-Mobile works so hard to ween out employees like that and it seems like that they just can slip through the cracks... have you ever had your issue resolved to this day?? :pale:
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The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it Empty
PostSubject: Me too   The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it EmptyTue Jan 29, 2008 10:16 am

Sad I work as a CSR 1 in a call center for T-Mobile, and I know that nothing I can say can change the experience that you have already had with our customer service, but I do have a few things that I want to say. I am sorry. That is never the experience that we want you to have when you call to ask us for help. I know this sounds corny but you are number one to us. We know that if you don't know how to use the service on your phone there is no reason for you to spend your money on it. We are well trained and we have very advanced, well maintained systems that give us the answer to every question you could ever have about your phone. There is no excuse for you to have to hang up the phone not knowing how to set up your email. I have worked 10hrs a day for the last 4 days at my call center, and I wish that I had been the one to take your call. You would have had a much better experience. Please give us another chance.

For goodness sakes its my off day. I love my company so much that I am sitting at home on my off day reading forums about bad things that have happened to our customers so that I can be a better Rep for you. I hope this helps you realize how truly dedicated we are to you. If I had access to the information I would post the steps for you to set up your email right now.

What type of phone do you have?
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The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it Empty
PostSubject: Lady D   The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it EmptyTue Jan 29, 2008 6:03 pm

My Phone is a Tmobile Wing I really wish that i had a person like you pick up the phone when i call. I really thank you for your time and also taking out the time in your day to even give me the time of day to even help me.. cheers
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The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it Empty
PostSubject: WIng!?!?!?!?!   The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it EmptyThu Jan 31, 2008 10:07 am

I had the Wing myself temporarily, and I had alot of problems with it. It would freeze up, not open applications, or open multiple applications and get bogged down. I also had a problem with being able to control the touch screen during a call. If the phone touched my face at all it would do things on its own, and I would end a call to find out I had reprogrammed my clock, texting, and browser settings. I spent way to much of my life trying to reset, reprogram or fix that phone. And when I am on the phone dealing with these same issues all day at work, the last thing I want to do is spend an hr on the line with tech support letting them go through everything I already know how to do. LOL

Anytime one of my customers mentions they're interested in it I try and talk them out of it. You know, find out why they are interested in it and try to find another phone that meets their needs. The wing was almost a new concept and just has alot of bugs right now, and I think it is over priced, but if we have a second version of it come out... It may be worth taking another look at it. I paid $240 for mine, and took an $80 loss to trade it for a Dash. I love my Dash and have not had a problem from it since day one. It is not as flashy as the Wing, so it doesn't get much attention. You have to keep the software on it updated though or you will start having problems after a while.

As a disclaimer though alot of people love the Wing, and it works great for them. I have just seen the majority of my co-workers who upgraded to the Wing this year wind up putting them on Ebay, or trade them, and then go back to using their Dashes, Blackberries, and Sidekicks within just a couple of months.
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Woozle Wuzzle

Woozle Wuzzle

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The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it Empty
PostSubject: Re: The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it   The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it EmptySun Feb 10, 2008 9:16 am

i have a Wing, havent had it for long but i havent had any freeze up issues or anythin like that. hell just last night i installed sumthin that lets me watch youtube videos on it. ive enjoyed the phone so far
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Woozle Wuzzle

Woozle Wuzzle

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The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it Empty
PostSubject: Re: The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it   The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it EmptySun Feb 10, 2008 9:19 am

chuck112 wrote:

I had this one lady the other day just gave me hell because I didnt understand how to use my phone I called to just ask a few questions and she just started of with me on the wrong foot. I just want to know how to set up my email so it would come in to my text box. Her exact words you must be one of the most stupidest customers i have ever had, I cant believe you cant to this its so simple. It made me feel like I was dumb just asking how to do this. I wish there was something I could really do about it. Oh by the way I have her customer number and i put it on the letter to the bbb and the attorney general. I am going to get something out of this i will tell you that...... I hope I can get that girl fired......

Down with TMOBILE

wtf? sounds like u got a real bitch on the line. maybe she doesnt care if she gets fired. ive rarely called tmobile but the few times i have they were really, REALLY friendly. i wuda cursed her out if i were u and called back cuz u probably wuda got sumone else on the line if u did.
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The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it Empty
PostSubject: Cstomer service issues   The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it EmptySun Feb 10, 2008 10:25 am

See I hate when this happenes because as a customer myself I hate it when I get a rude rep it irritates me because there are definitly in the wrong service
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Woozle Wuzzle

Woozle Wuzzle

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The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it Empty
PostSubject: Re: The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it   The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it EmptyMon Feb 11, 2008 9:23 am

how about rude telemarketers? their job is basically to annoy ppl and ive had a few that just hung up on me when i told em i wasnt interested. Rolling Eyes
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The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it Empty
PostSubject: hello   The worst customer service ever I wrote BBB because if it EmptyThu Jul 17, 2008 2:27 am

It's upsetting to hear in the "real world" the bad experiences our customers are having, and I'm very sorry she was so rude to you. It's true, T-mobile works really hard to monitor calls and weed out those who don't have the same standards as the company. T-mobile's motto is Stick Together and we work hard to make sure that happens. I spend a good part of my day every day solving problems for our customers and though it can be stressful at times, I go home to my kids feeling like I accomplished something. I love my job and I hate to see stuff like this happening to our customers. I wish I could help.
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